Summer 2021 Update
It's been a while but the COGS team have not been idle. Ground has been broken and construction is underway on the new changing rooms for the field. More updates to come.

With the new information and guidance from the government on helping control the spread of the Corona virus. Furness Vale FC have a match day QR code for spectators attending matches on the field to be used with the NHS track and trace app.
October 2020 Update
It's been a while since we've posted an update but despite the adverse and challenging conditions we find ourselves currently in, progress is still being made on improvements and we hope all are keeping well and enjoying the field and its facilities.
The lock down has meant the postponement of the more social aspects of COGS, such as the field day, afternoon teas and coffee mornings. However they will return possibly with some structural changes and limits depending on guidance from the government.
We have had 3 lots of funding from the football foundation. Which has contributed towards equipment purchases for ground maintenance.
Extra drainage is being added and spring is being dealt with to help keep the condition of the pitch in working order for when games resume. In addition the works include adding in a water main for the pavilion, funding of which is at substantial levels (donations are always gratefully received however).
Martin Jensen (GTI Fitness) held his first outdoor fitness class on the field. He did ask permission at the start of the Lockdown . He’s only allowing five people at a time – which makes six including himself.
Junior football was played on the pitch for first time ever last season and will continue next season.
Furness Vale football club were crowned champions of the Hope Valley Football League!
AGM in November......Updates and details will be posted soon.
June 2020 update

Tickets are going faster than Santa’s Sleigh Yo Ho Ho and lots of prosecco
Don’t miss out on this festive afternoon of tea, luxury sandwiches, scones, cake and for the wild bunch....prosecco
Silver (haired) service, genteel tea dance music, good conversation and great home made sandwiches, cake and scones
Furness Vale Social Club 0n Friday 6th December 2019 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Tickets are £7.00 and £9.00 (prosecco) from the Furness Vale Social club or email cl_watson@hotmail.com
Note - Any requests for xmas music will be politely ignored
No dancing on the tables
Afternoon Tea 6th December
2019 C.O.G.S AGM 21st November
Taking place at the Furness Vale Community Cente at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome and public participation invited.

Coffee Morning, 3rd August
Another chance to support cogs and have some cake and a brew. The next one will be on the 3rd August in the Mechanics institute in Whaley Bridge.

Afternoon Tea, 19th July 2019
After the success of the first afternoon tea COGS are pleased to annouce another in the summer. Held at the social club in Furness Vale on the 19th of July from 2- 4pm. UPDATE! Tickets are available from the social club priced £7 for afternoon tea and £9 for a Prosecco afternoon tea.
Field day 2019
This years field day will take place on 22nd June 2019. The usual great mix of music, food and family fun. Details here.

Coffee Morning, 25th May
Another chance to support cogs and have some cake and a brew. The next ones will be on the 25th May in the Mechanics institute in Whaley Bridge.

Afternoon Tea, 8th March 2019
Come and join us for afternoon tea at the social club in Furness Vale on the 8th of March from 2- 4pm. There will be a selection of sandwiches, scones and cakes. £6 per person or £8 if you wish to include a glass of fizz. Tickets available at the Furness social club or Post office. For more information
2018 AGM
Furness COGS (Community Organising Green Space) are holding their AGM on Thursday, 22nd November at 8.00pm at Furness Vale Community Centre, Yeardsley Lane. Refreshments will be available from 7.30pm. There will be an update on all he recent improvements carried out at the community field and the future plans, together with the opportunity to ask questions and get involved. Everyone is very welcome to attend.

Council boost funding!
October 2018. After completing the first phase of the improvements to the field, COGS are now focusing on raising funds to provide a changing room, toilet and showers. As detailed in the press release, here , Derbyshire county council have given a massive helping hand in the shape of £88, 000!

First home game
September 2018. The pitch is now marked out ready for the first Furness Vale home match on the 29th September.
Details of the teams upcomming fixtures can be found

Coffee Morning
The recent coffee morning was a great success. The next ones are planned for January 2019 and August 2018 in the Mechanics institute in Whaley Bridge.

Field Update
July/ August 2018. Follow the link to the right to see the update hand out prepared for the field day.

Field day 2018
21st July 2018. This year's field day will take place later that usual but should take advantage of the much improved field for the first time. More details will follow.
Signs revealed
12th June 2018. The two signs and stands were unveiled.

Mosaic Trail Opening
12th June 2018. Two ceramic signs are set to be unveiled today along with the opening of the Mosaic trail. The event will run from 10.30 till 12 on the field.

Field Update
April / May 2018. Thanks to a spell of good weather the last stage of the drainage improvements are now underway.